Kingston Oklahoma drug store offers delivery service
KINGSTON, Okla. -- Kingston Pharmacy is making it easier for patients to receive their medications.
Over the past year, the pharmacy's drugstore2door vehicle has been traveling throughout Marshall County to deliver prescriptions to those who need it.
Pharmacist Sheriden Franks said this program was developed to ensure that people get what they need if they can't get it themselves.
"This just offers our customers more convenience," she said. "It also helps people in rural areas that are not able to travel to their pharmacy to pick up their medicine."
Some of the most loyal customers are at the Baptist Village senior living community.
"A lot of times family will bring them their medications, but sometimes they just can't do that," said Baptist Village manager Matthew Wood. "So Kingston Pharmacy's service allows them to feel at ease that they will get their needed medication."
And the drug store's delivery program has expanded beyond Oklahoma.
"It's actually nationwide," Franks said. "We have stores in Kansas, Florida, Texas... I mean, it's going to be pretty big."

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